jurnalist si fotbalist

marți, 9 august 2011


"What does  your     wife say when you came home so late?"
"I·m not married"
"Then why do you go home so late?"



21 de comentarii:

Shockgrubz spunea...

It took me a minute, but I got the punchline, then laughed uproariously.

Anonim spunea...

LOL how do you come up with these. Lots of jokes here :)

TheUndeclaredWinner spunea...

Ha-ha, took me a second but funny stuff.

DWei spunea...

Ohohoho. :P

thetruthaboutGENETICS spunea...

:P That joke is funny.

Jay spunea...

funny, but also sad. :|

T Papar spunea...

lol'd :D

Anonim spunea...

I lol'd!:D

Anonim spunea...

un poco grande la marquesina de arriba no? XD

Copyboy spunea...

Checkmate in humor my friend.

Rob spunea...

oh dear.

Alma Mateos Taborda spunea...

¡MUY BUENO!Un abrazo.

Shaw spunea...

He he...

Ting Kubby spunea...

funny stuff

David Cotos spunea...

je je. good.

omar enletrasarte spunea...


Aaron M. Gipson spunea...

Yeah, I can dig it...

I am married, so I can definitely empathize.

chibiaion spunea...

LOL...haha. Love the new found craziness in here. Must share this one. Bookmarked! wow accounts for sale

dona spunea...

Ahahah! You made me laugh! :D

Jessica Thompson spunea...

Haha wow, that's great!

Sarco Lange spunea...

Una torre...un rey...un alarido...