jurnalist si fotbalist

vineri, 22 iulie 2011


Margaret:"Is it true that camels can work a week without a drink?"
Mother:"Yes,and it is opposite whit father,who can drink a week without working."

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marți, 12 iulie 2011


"What is the longest word in the English language?"
"Idon·t know"
"It is the word:smiles,because there is a mile between the first letter and the last"

miercuri, 6 iulie 2011


"What·s  your name? the teacher ask.
My name is Betty Brown.
And  what·s your father·s name? the teacher ask again.
His name·s William Brown. the girls answers.
How old are you?ask the teacher.
I·m seven year old.
And how old do you think I am? the teacher ask the girl.
I don·t know,Betty says.I can only count up to fifty-five."

luni, 4 iulie 2011


Love is blind
Hot love is soon cold
Love is full of trouble
A friend in need is a friend indeed